University of Florida
2100 NE Waldo Road
PO Box 116580
Gainesville, FL 32609, USA
Tel: (352) 392-9537 ext. 1505
Fax: (352) 273-0186
Email: masters [at] ce [dot] ufl [dot] edu
Ph.D. University of Florida 2004
ME University of Forida 2002
BCSCE University of Florida 1999
Vickery, P., Masters, F., Powell, M. and Wadheraa, D., “Hurricane Hazard Modeling: The Past, Present and Future, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,” Accepted
Yu, B., A. Chowdhury and F. Masters. Hurricane Power Spectra, Co-Spectra, and Integral Length Scales, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Accepted for Publication
Gilman, E., F. Masters, and J. Grabosky (2008), “Pruning Affects Tree Movement in Hurricane Force Wind,” Journal of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 34(1): 18-26
Masters, F. and K. Gurley (2003). “Non-Gaussian simulation: CDF map-based spectral correction,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 129(12): 1418-1428.
Graham, L.L., K. Gurley, and F. Masters (2003). “Non-Gaussian simulation of local material properties based on a moving-window technique,” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 18(3): 223-234